Moving on, what made me happy yesterday? I saw my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin for the first time in years Friday afternoon. It was a little strange. I am the oldest of the cousins with the next one inline (after my sister) being 15 or so years younger than I am. So, my sister and I didn’t bond much with our four cousins on our mother’s side. And now he’s all grown up, and I feel like I missed it. Yet, when he came in the door and we gave each other a hello hug there was honest affection there.
I love talking to my soon-to-be sisters-in-law on the phone. I feel like I’m not only gaining a family but close girlfriends as well. How lucky can one girl be? I really can’t wait until the three of them get here for the wedding and I can spend some time getting to know them while talking to them while we are in the same room.
After my session with the p-doc on Thursday I have really begun to think about going back to work and what that means. I have been out of work (but going to school most of that time) for 6 years. I want to work; I want to be able to work. The fact that I feel that way is a positive sign the grey clouds are parting. I applied at the local bagel shop but, haven’t heard anything yet. Anyway, I have a damn Master’s degree and I’m really thinking that a job where most of the college students in town have is what I should be doing? (Whoops, slipping into negativity please stop me!) The way I was looking at it was that I’ve been away from the workforce for so long a little part time job might be just the thing. Also, in this economy (and this town) I should be grateful for whatever I can get, right? Back to the positive part of this rant – I’m ready to go back to work! Never did I honestly think I would be back to the working world. Yay me!
A quote that made me happy (sent to my email by
" 'Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.'
Ralph Waldo Emerson's words of encouragement are important because we all get a little gun-shy sometimes. Trying new things, bold things, things others might or might not accept is never easy. But life is an experiment. There is only one way to live, and that is to just live.
Go ahead and try the things you've been hesitating to try. Once the chance is gone, it's gone."
What new things do you want to try that you think will make you happy?
May 15, 2010 at 7:41 AM
I love your messages. I have been trying to rekindle a romance I once had with nature to make me happy, so yesterday I went hiking. I actually lost my phone on the mountain, but we also found a river that included a natural water slide. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I got to take a nice break from my cell phone for the weekend.
May 15, 2010 at 12:02 PM
Margaritas forthcoming! :) Keep up the positivity, bloggers need it!
May 17, 2010 at 6:28 AM
@Working Girl - Thanks I'm going to need a margarita!